Financial Markets: Negating the Laws of Gravity

Posted by Tothetick

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StockMarketUsually what goes up normally ends up coming back down to Earth with a damn great thud. Well, that was long ago with good old Isaac Newton and the apple story. Apple might well be part of the story these days as an example of things that are going up but that have ascended so high for the moment that they have almost vanished from sight. But, there is simply no reason to defy the laws of Newton on Gravity. Negating the laws of gravity in such a way as to turn Newton on his own head is exactly what the stock market is doing right now. Antigravity might not exist in the real world but there is a theory that is refuted by the Gravity Establishment as to the means of blocking gravity effects on bodies. Have the stock markets and the financial wizards just put that into practice and is there some way of explaining why the stock market has increased yet again with no apparent reason?

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