Faber: We are at the beginning of a more significant Asset Class Deflation

Posted by Marc Faber

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ifSaAJ8srEUUET Now: Gold prices have put their weakest quarter in as many as nine decades, losing more than 20%. We even saw the $1200 mark crack. How have you read into the decline of gold prices?

Marc Faber: We had a huge bull market in gold and silver between 1999 and 2011. In the case of gold (September 2011), the prices reached $1921 and since then, we have been in the correction period as we are down 37%.

Now, the question is — does the decline in gold prices signal that despite of all the money printing the world will face a more significant deflationary shock, especially in asset prices? We are approaching a low in gold, but it is not yet confirmed.

(Marc covers all markets and firmly stakes out his position on each in this 5 minute video below)


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