Faber: The FED Won’t Increase Interest Rates in 2015

Posted by Marc Faber: The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report

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The Fed Will Not Raise Rates Amid A Strong US Dollar

“In my view, the Fed will not increase interest rates this year,” Marc Faber told CNBC in a recent interview . 

“The economy simply is not taking off, so I don’t see there will be an interest rate increase.” Retail sales have dropped three months in a row, including 0.6 percent in February. Many analysts expect economic growth to slow this quarter from the fourth quarter’s 2.2 percent pace.

“The policies of central banks have grossly distorted financial markets and misallocated capital, in my opinion.”

“The Fed and other central banks would have to increase interest rates quite substantially to really knockoff stock markets.”

….to view the interview go to “The Fed Will Not Raise Rates Amid A Strong US Dollar