Posted by Marc Faber via MarcFaberNews.com

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“The Uncertainty is Much Higher Than in The Past”

Marc Faber: He see’s stocks falling at least by 20%. Says the he believes Obama is a disaster for business and the United States as a whole. . – in Bloomberg TV:

The Uncertainty is much Higher than in the Past

Marc Faber : I can say one thing that today the uncertainty is much higher than in the past. We continue to have central banks running the expansionary policies in terms of fiscal and monetary stimulation, which has led to the asset price inflation. This creates very high uncertainty because you do not know how much more money will be printed in the US. Uncertainty arises because of these reasons. The interventionists want to stimulate the economies by manipulating the markets, particularly interest rates. They are creating higher economic and financial volatility than in the past. – in rediff

Marc Faber : We may have a total Collapse in Confidence in the System


Marc Faber : “The next crisis could lead to a deflationary bust. And a bust in governments. In other words, we may have a total collapse in confidence in the system.” – in a recent interview with cnbc

Marc Faber : Central Banks are Buying Bonds to Manipulate asset Markets and bring Interest Rates down


Marc Faber : Central banks are buying bonds to manipulate asset markets and bring interest rates down. Essentially the quantitative easing policy is supposed to be independent. Actually, it’s closely related to fiscal policy. In a sense, these programmes and the monetisation are designed to purchase government bonds. Indirectly, these central banks, which have large fiscal deficit, are monetising the deficits and piling up more debts. With these measures, they are postponing the problems rather than curbing them. In this process, the debt levels will only go up and certainly the sovereign rating of the US debt will come down at some point in time. – in rediff


Marc Faber’s Short Biography

Marc Faber is a Swiss investor. Faber is publisher of the Gloom Boom & Doom Report newsletter and is the director of Marc Faber Ltd which acts as an investment advisor and fund manager. His blog is updated Daily and can be found at http://www.marcfaberchannel.blogspot.ca/

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