Posted by Marc Faber - GloomBoomDoom.com

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china bubble lrg

china bubble lrg“It will end badly” Look at China, its credit as a percent of the economy has increased by 50 percent in the last 4-1/2 years. This is the fastest credit growth you can imagine in the whole of Asia,”

    “It will end badly and the question is whether we will have a minor economic crisis and then huge money printing or get into an inflationary spiral first,”

    “Why are so many product prices in Singapore and Hong Kong more expensive than in the U.S.? It’s because when you have asset inflation and high property prices, shops have to pay higher rents, so they charge more for their products. So asset inflation can flow into consumer inflation,”

Faber : China could spark bigger Crisis than 2008


Marc Faber‘s views on Asia via  CNBC:

  • An alarming credit boom in China could trigger a crisis that would make 2008 look mild in comparison
  • China, in particular, has seen credit as a percentage of the economy jump 50% in the last four and a half years
  • China has the “fastest credit growth you can image in the whole of Asia.”
  • Faber warns that China isn’t the only problem area. Other Asian countries are also seeing big jumps in household debt.

The Third Plenum meeting concludes in China tomorrow, with the market anticipating wide reforms.