A Simple Solution

Posted by Greg Weldon's TrendTRAKR & Daily Money Monitor

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If Precious Metal Stocks are going to bottom in this important area, or  fall through, every Trader/Investor is going to need some great vehicles to take advantage. 

At this critical time, when Money Talks is holding the Emergency Gold Summit, Greg Weldon was kind enough to offer all Money Talks readers/listeners/subscribers the thursday copy of of his TrendTRAKR. TrendTRAKR is  a Simple Solution to locating those investments whether they be long or short. 

For those who attended The Emergency Gold Summit or bought the Video you will likely be in the position to want to exploit Greg’s service now. So here they are in Excell Format. Links to the tutorials can be found on the first page of each workbook:

1. All the 200+ Metal & Energy Equities Trending and marked bullish or bearish can be found HERE. Be certain to click on the 3rd folder in the left hand column titled “Metal & Energy StocksTRAKR” to view the list. 

2. All the TSX60 Trending can be found HERE. To find the entire list of  bullish/ bearish, strengthening/weakening, and or no significant trend be certain to click on the 3rd folder in the left hand column titled “TrendTRAKR”

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 For a FREE TRIAL of Weldon’s TrendTRAKR go HERE. Others may wish to subscribe straightaway HERE is the pricing information.

In the conference last thursday night Martin Armstrong’s perspective fascinated many as you can tell from this email sent to Martin:

Thank you. Your insight into how everything is connected has saved me a fortune. I cannot tell you how many people showed up tonight simply to hear you. As the moderator said, you have the best track record of anyone. Your insight into the world is amazing. I understand what you said tonight as so many were talking about your speech walking out. It will be the markets that force political change. You have thousands of followers here in Vancouver. You should know that.

Thanks for everything you are doing.


Martin Armstrong’s Answer to R…S,,,

Thank you. It is nice to see the understanding of the world economy is growing. I believe to create political change that will preserve our liberty, it requires the public to grasp the world is all connected. If we can accomplish that, we have a chance at leaving our children and their’s a better life rather than a dismal one. I have been speaking in Vancouver for 30 years. It has always been one of my favorite spots in North America.

Ed Note: To order the entire Video Presentation of the Emergency Gold Summit including Martin Armstrong’s presentation click on the image below or HERE
