Quote of the Week

Quote of The Week: Will It Be Debt Or Taxes

This quote of the week illustrates a Governments attraction to debt over taxes. The first is something that is put off until the future, the second sticks to a politician like glue.

Michael’s Saturday Editorial: Hillary or Donald? Who cares?


Quotes of The Week: Taking a Stand While On One Knee

Double barreled this week. The furor over Colin Kaepernick’s protesting both US Presidential candidates, and a T.S. Elliot quote on the source of harm in the world.

..also Michael’s Saturday Editorial: Complexity Failure Crisis & Panic


Quote Of The Week

Michael drags a pertinent comment from P.J. O’Rourke’s great book “Parliament of Whores”

…related from Michael: A Disturbing State of Affairs


A Disturbing State of Affairs

This Quote of the Week defines the advanced state that our Governments in the Western World have progressed to. A distressing state that history says cannot be avoided.

related: The true nature of a significant self-serving movement in our society – Fundamentally Corrupt and Unclear



Fundamentally Corrupt and Unclear

This quote o

f the week reveals the true nature of a significant self-serving movement in our society

Also Mike’s featured guest Greg Weldon – On The Brink of Soaring Move Up In Gold & Silver
