Quote of the Week

Foreign Intervention in Canadian Elections

This Quote of the Week underscores the dangers of special interest money flowing from the US into Canada to alter our society

…also Mike’s Guest Dr. Michael Berry: The Inside Scoop On What’s Going On At The Fed


The Cynicism Towards Politicians

Constant over-promising and under-delivering by politicians leads us to this Quote of the Week that illustrates what fuels the cynicism.

…also Michael’s Weekend Editorial on Trump Troubles: Careful What You Wish For

Obama Laughing 2

U2’s Bono Wins Quote of the Week!

This week Bono wins with a staggering quote that rivals Albert Einstein’s “only two things that are infinite, the universe and human stupidity. And I’m not sure about the former”.

..also Michael’s Weekend Editorial: Evidence & Research – A Stake Through the Heart of Idealogues

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Quote of the Week

This week George Orwell puts our societies most significant problems into blinding perspective.

George Orwell speaking on BBC


The Genius of Milton Friedman

If you like hearing bright, insightful, quick witted people take a moment and listen to Nobel prize winner Friedman in this week’s Quote of the Week/

…also Michael’s Weekend Editorial: This Week The Game Changed

220px-Portrait of Milton Friedman