Mike's Daily Comment

And It’s Just The Beginning

“Talk about ignoring the elephant in the room.” Michael addresses the beginning of a “generational war of major proportions”…..


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Climate Change Ranks Last in Public Concern

Politics first Science second is the reason that Climate Change, despite the massive campaign by celebrities, media & Big Environment has no credibility….



Why is it considered greed to want to keep the money you earned, but not greed to want to take someone else’s money?


Michael addresses a quote “Education & the means by which we deliver it, is the single social structure most resistant to change at a time when change is happening faster than at any other time in human history”



Michael confronts a Labour Management Model in the Canadian Public sector that is over 100 years old! It is one of the reasons for an increasing divide between taxpayers & the public sector, but as Michael points out there is so much more to it.

For the full 1st half hour & the full hour of Money Talks go to http://www.cknw.com/audio-vault/





As Michael Campbell wrote about this weekend’s guest: “For the first time in 15 years the brilliant Martin Armstrong will be my guest. If you don’t know Marty’s work let me sum up by saying, over the last 36 years I have met a lot of wonderful analysts – brilliant thinkers – but if I could only talk to just one – it would be Martin Armstrong. His understanding of history, currency movements and the interaction of the widest range of variables on different investments is second to none.” In an exception Michael’s interview with Martin Armstrong runs longer than usual so that our audience can get his view on every critical market & situation brewing in the world today





Michael’s Goofy this week centers on the debate between the huge gap between public & private sector wages….especially in the benefit area
