Michael Campbell’s MoneyTalks – Complete Show


Victor Adair, doing the show for Michael, starts on real estate with Ozzie Jurock. Ozzie tells Victor about the trend of selling small Vancouver Wartime bungalows for $1.6 million, then taking the funds and and buying a virtual mansion in a lovely BC area for 500-500K and putting a million in the bank to help with retirement. Michael Levy gives us the the 5 things smart people are talking about, espspecially the “Event of the Moment”….the “hugely important” Swiss referendum on Gold taking place this Sunday November 30th.



Victor Adair interviews one of the great experts on the Oil Market and a man he really respects, Keith Schaefer of the Oil & Gas Investments Bulletin. Victor asks Keith all about the huge story of Oil crashing $10 last week to $66.15, most of the drop on friday alone. All of the opportunities, income opportunities and dangers he sees in this wild, volatile market, the oil and gas companies he researches that have high or potentially high growth rates, and those he is recommending. Keith buys all his recommendations himself, so listeners can be assured he has his own money on the line.

Victor also asks his guest Kevin Konar how to earn money in a low interest rate environment.



Victor doesn’t do a Goofy this week, but he does do something very valuable. After 40 years of trading experience, Victor lists out the” 5 Things You Really Need To Know To Really Succeed in Trading.”



Canada is a commodity currency, really an oil currency and oil at present levels is reflected in the currency. What’s next…. Michael Levy for Mike Campbell


Opec Makes a Move

Opec makes a move and Oil plunges. Governments in Canada face significant budget shortfalls. Robert Levy paints that interesting ecomomic picture for Michael Campbell


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The recent OECD’s semi-annual economic outlook makes the strongest argument yet that Zero percent car loans and higher mortgage rates are…..Michael Levy for Michael Campbell


Some key changes are occurring with Black Friday, the traditional kickoff to retail’s generally profitable Christmas Season….. Michael Levy stands in for Michael who is on holiday
