Mike's Daily Comment

One Blistering Hot Potato

It is hard to argue we live in a “free” society when the health care monopoly, its brethren and supporters declare the right to prevent any citizen from spending their own money to get treatment instead of waiting in a line up.  Even the Supreme Court thinks this thinking is nonsense.

….related from Michael: These People Get An “F”


Big Brother: You’re An Outlaw For Spending Your Money On Health

The line-ups for health treatment has grown to 18.3 weeks, double since 1993. Why? Not enough money in our medical system. Now there is a movement to prevent you spending your own money on treatment. Sorry, you’ll have to stay sick for 4 1/2 months to protect the “system” they say. Just like the only other country in the world that forbids private health care….. Communist North Korea!

….from Martin Armstrong: WHY 2017 is The Threshold to Chaos


Preparing Our Children To Paddle Up-River

Our school system is committed to turning out well rounded individual based on the progressive agenda. Is there not room to prepare them with the skills required to succeed in both today’s, as well as future job markets? http://ow.ly/v8fc303WeL5

….Michael Campbell on: Complexity Failure Crisis & Panicimages

The movement to allow 16 year olds vote in Canada on multibillion dollar programs and international agreements is curious given Prime Minister Trudeau doesn’t think regular voters are smart enough to vote in referendums.

Live From The Trading Desk: Look Out Below

Victor Adair is positioning himself on the short term to take advantage of multiple markets that look to be heading down, Oil, CDN Dollar, Gold. Even a short sale is the only position he wants on Stocks right here.

…related Michael Campbell on: Complexity Failure Crisis & Panic

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