Interview of the Week

Crude Oil: Setting Up for Rare Buying Opportunity

Josef Schachter has been dead on predicting Crude Oil in the last three years. He not only got Money Talks listeners short at over $100 in 2014, but he also spotted the bottom in February 2016 below $30 for a big bounce into the $50’s. Right now he sees a combination of tax loss selling and other factors setting crude up for a fabulous imminent buying opportunity at much lower levels than we trade today in the upcoming December/January period. A more than a doubling of Crude Oil prices are in the scenario he illustrates here.  

…don’t miss Michael’s Weekend Editorial: A Final Death Blow


The Downfall of the Mainstream Media & The Stirrings of a Revolution

In the US millions have become so disillusioned by a one sided media plus clear evidence of collusion by the FBI and IRS to get Hillary Clinton elected. With European Governments mistrusted and fighting in the streets in the US, there is one forthcoming financial issue that could be the death blow for trust in Government institutions and the media. The pension crisis is mathematical. The big question, when government workers no longer get their pension check, and millions no longer trust the democratic institution, what comes next?

….also: The 3 Most Popular Articles Of The Week


Surprise: Innovation In Canada Is Going To Take Money Right From Your Wallet

Government, known for its dearth of innovation in delivery of services, is now going to pick some innovative industry to splash 100’s of millions of tax dollars on. Its hard to confident they will pick the right candidate for what they call “special support” (political speak  for spending your tax dollars) AND avoid spending the money wastefully. 

….speaking of organization: Plan for tomorrow but live for today




The Definition of Cronyism

The Federal government is about to hand out yet  another big chunk of cash to Bombardier. 81 different hand-outs to Bombardier,  none of which a money manager would touch for investment purposes. The Federal Liberals are however calling it an “investment”, when really its just plain old cronyism.

…also Michael’s Mid-Week Update: US Election: Huge Disruption in Canada’s Trade?


US Election: Huge Disruption in Canada’s Trade?

In this mid-week update, the US Election’s impact on Canada’s trade deals appears with Trump calling the Nafta the worst trade deal ever negotiated. Now Hillary Clinton also thinks Nafta should be renegotiated. Michael on the market’s preference for President, the effect each President will have on the exploding debt problem and pension liabilities. Deutsche Bank or similar problems potential to cause market panic.

…related Martin Armstrong on: Are we Being Prepared for World War III? 
