Mike's Daily Comment

Let Us Remember Freedom Is Always Under Assault

Today we honor the soldiers who gave their lives for Freedom. Too bad that the assault on freedom continues, on our University Campuses, via laws that we are entangled just in case we might hurt ourselves. We are along way away from the very freedoms citizens had even 50 years ago, much less 100 years ago.


….speaking of freedom: Nationwide anti-Trump protests rock the US


Nationwide anti-Trump protests rock the US

Anger in Chicago, New York, Oakland, Pittsburg and other cities protesters carry signs saying “Not My President”. The Deplorable’s Act With Class & Bernie Sanders says it best in this comment

…also Michael’s Mid-Week Comment: Donald Trump = It’s The Biggest Sc*w You to the Existing Elite, Especially the Media

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Donald Trump = The Biggest Sc*w You to the Existing Elite, Especially the Media

In this Mid-Week Update, Michael digs into the effect the Trump Presidency will have on Canada, the US economy as well as the rest of the world. Financial problems because of high taxation needs to be unwound. Markets volatile…..as expected. Down 800 points on the Dow then up 1000, Euro, US Dollar, Gold all extremely wild, though Michael thinks the major trends remain in place. Hey, Keystone pipeline back on the table, a huge benefit to Canada.

….more from Michael: Trump’s Success

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Bill Murray Salutes the Presidential Candidates

Now that the vote is in, this Quote of the Week is particularly pertinent. It underlines the distinct difference consequences, penalties for lying



Trump’s Success

Trump is just the latest chapter in the rise of the anti-establishment movement around the world. Think of it, every major newspaper opposed Trump, and zillions of dollars were spent to oppose him. Yet he still won convincingly.

…also: They Say That Politics Makes Strange Bedfellows … But This Is Ridiculous

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