Mike's Daily Comment

it’s Not a Bribe When Government Does It

Whether it’s canceling bill 377 for organized labour, eliminating the transparency act for native chiefs, or the 1.75 billion for government propaganda via subsidizing the CBC the current government is as slick as they come.


….also from Michael: A Dangerous Dark Storm Brewing


The Initial Rumbles of an Economic Earthquake

Trump, organized labour, the NDP and the rest of the progressive left want to get on board with national tariffs, making foreign goods more expensive for the consumer. Protecting jobs is the object even though a far greater attack on jobs comes from technological change for one. There are greater threats to jobs than NAFTA which is in Trumps gunsights. Besides, anything the Teamsters union is in support of is not likely to be in Canadian Citizens interest.

…more from Michael: A Dangerous Dark Storm Brewing


A Dangerous Dark Storm Brewing

What’s going on at Dallas Police and Fire pension plan is downright frightening. The numbers and impact on lives is likely to trigger social unrest. Worse, there is more to come since the US Social Security pension is not well funded, nor are huge State and Municipal pension funds. 

….related: The Fed is Throwing Up Its Hands

bankrupt speedometer by iqoncept

Good Heavens, This is Just Toooo Much!

To help students cope with the Trump victory the University of Michigan Law school set up safe places where students would be able to color, play with legos and play-doh with fellow students. This wasn’t one-off, Mike’s list is a long one

…Michael’s Saturday Editorial: The Truth – Its Time to Blow It All Up


Government is Running Scared

The entitlement attitude that everyone should be able to own a home is at the heart of demands for affordability. Sudden recent changes in mortgage eligibility is a strong sign things may have gotten out hand.

….interest rate related from Featured Guest Dr. Michael Berry PhD.: The Fed is Throwing Up Its Hands

housing crash