Mike’s Midweek Comment

Mid-Week Update: Real Estate & Oil 2017

The super-hot Toronto real estate market has much to thank BC and its foreign buyers tax & vacant homeowners taxes. Oil, is there going to be cheating within OPEC and will production pick up and drive prices down?

….also from Michael: Canadian Taxpayers Brace for another, ahem… “Investment”


Canadian Taxpayers Brace for another, ahem… “Investment”

That’s right. No longer is it called a bailout, its now an investment. Canada and Ontario are about to each give Honda 41,800,000 Tax dollars. Despite the fact this money will not only harm taxpayers, the unemployed….

….related: More Government Horror: The Impact of Canadian Taxpayers Being On The Hook For Public Service Pension Shortfalls


Big Fat Idea: 2 Buying Opportunities in the Oil & Gas Service Sector

Jamie Switzer, Senior VP Raymond James has an idea in an obscure, sub-sector in the Service Sector. The big names have moved quite far, but Jamie has two names that are “compelling”

….also from Michael: Featured Guest Sees Positive Growth

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Quote of the Week: Scientific Dogma or Career Suicide

Dr. Judith Curry, a highly qualified scientist in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences has resigned from her professorship. Why, because as a scientist who would not adopt a certain dogma, she faced pressure so intense she simply could not continue.

…also Weekend Editorial from Michael: Freedom Equals Economic Prosperity


An Example of Fake News (That You Are Paying For)

The CBC are taking another 675 million tax dollars they “needed” for some reason. Its clear they did not put any of that money into a recent news story that was void of research or data and had a made up conclusion. A great example of Canadian fake news.

….also Michael’s Weekend Editorial: Freedom Equals Economic Prosperity

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