Live from the Trading Desk

The Fed, Market Sentiment & Market Moves

Victor on why the up moves in markets after the Fed announcement of a hike in rates. Where to now short term in markets with a special focus on crude oil.

….also: Hot Properties: Ozzie on a Beautiful Sleeper Area

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Hot Properties: Ozzie on a Beautiful Sleeper Area

Ozzie begins with a clarification of existing real estate tax laws vs what you can expect in the upcoming budget. The sleeper area he talks about has arguably the best weather in the west. As usual his two hot properties, ones a cottage.

Michael’s Weekend Editorial: The Financial Pressure is Building to the Exploding Point


20 Year Olds Need More Tenderness & Coddling

University managements are going to extraordinary lengths to prevent anyone from being offended. Removing whiteboards from an educational establishment?? To prevent someone from writing a word a student might find offensive? It’s even worse than that……

also from Michael: The Financial Pressure is Building to the Exploding Point


Infrastructure Spending Will Save Our Economy!

At least that is what the politicians will tell you. Unfortunately Mike dug into the numbers and he’s just getting warmed up with “only 11 cents on every dollar will be spent on a useful project.” So where the rest is going?

…also from Michael: Quote of the Week: In Honor of the New Federal Budget


Quote of the Week: In Honor of the New Federal Budget

Prior to what is by some considered to be a “tax & grab” budget, economist Thomas Sowell has some words that will give the independent minded comfort

…also from Michael: The Financial Pressure is Building to the Exploding Point
