Mike's Daily Comment

An Alternative View…

…to the enlightened wisdom that “taxes are the price we pay for civilization”……

…also Michael’s Mid-Week Commment: Bank of Canada Monetary Forecast – Parliament Votes on Getting High


Bank of Canada Monetary Forecast – Parliament Votes on Getting High

Some optimism in the Bank of Canada Forecast, rate hike & inflation on hold?  Marijuana taxes a windfall for Canada? Mike on the forecast for revenues less expenses including comparisons to legal drugs (alcohol)

….related from Michael’s 04/05/17 Mid-Week Update: Heads Begin to Spin As The Countdown(s) Begin

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The Dumbest Word in Politics…”Free”!

Given that so-called “Free Healthcare” consumes over 40% of provincial budgets, it is hardly free. Indeed, the rate of growth in healthcare spending is triple economic growth. Its time to call it for what it really is…..

….also from Michael: The Good News About The Inter-Provincial Trade Deal


The Good News About The Inter-Provincial Trade Deal

The cost of trade barriers in terms of jobs and economic activity is estimated to be as much as 130 Billion Dollars. While there is still a list of 167 pages of restricted items, at least its defined.

…also Michael’s Weekend Editorial: A Stick in the Eye at Tax Timeinterprovincial-trade-barriers-leaving-prosperity-on-the-table-trevor-tombe-university-of-calgary-34-638

The Foundation of Our Society & Economy

Freedom is under assault at Canada’s institutions of higher learning. The numbers are stunning. A tragedy when billions of tax dollars support Post Secondary Education.

….also Michael’s Weekend Editorial: A Stick in the Eye at Tax Time
