Mike's Daily Comment

Punishment of Those Who Work Hard

Punishing those with a work ethic has gone to far. Just think, through the application of hard work, brought success also brings in the Canada Revenue service to take as much of the gain as possible. Anyone who works phenomenally hard, puts in long hours in order to  become successful is a target. Now you are a target at consistently decreasing income levels, you don’t even have to be rich to be a prime candidate for our tax authorities. 

also from Michael: Political Uncertainty & The Stock Market


Trump’s Problems & The Bigger Picture

The media glee surrounding Trump’s problems in the US is followed by the loss of billions in market value. If his problems get worse, Global Markets will be threatened, not something anyone should  be thrilled about.

…related: Political Uncertainty & The Stock Market


Political Uncertainty & The Stock Market

The markets show weakness on the heels of Donald Trumps political problems that suddenly place his market positive tax agenda in jeopardy.

…also from Michael: Homeowners Beware – Canada Needs Money Now

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Homeowners Beware – Canada Needs Money Now

Alberta, Ontario, the entire maritimes are desperate for money. Homeowners beware, as one of the last remaining areas for potential new tax revenue…. they’re coming after you (just ask the Greens & NDP in BC)

….also from Michael: Evidence & Research – A Stake Through the Heart of Idealogues


The BC Green Party & Potential New Taxes

With the BC Election hanging in the balance both Liberals and NDP might be willing to adopt Green Party Tax policy for power. One of those changes will cause taxes to explode on Vancouver Real Estate.

…also Michael’s Weekend Editorial: Evidence & Research – A Stake Through the Heart of Idealogues

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