Quote of the Week

Left Wing Progressive University Defends Free Speech

02:05 – 05:41 – Quote of the Week – Once you allow an authority to determine which opinions are to be allowed, you make your own speech vulnerable to it. The U. of Berkley listened and has declared it will be a “Free Speech Year at Berkley”.

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Think For Yourself


01:13 – 07:05 – Michael’s Editorial – The push to eliminate thinking that opposes what is considered acceptable thought on University Campuses, or the attempts to crush any thinking that reveals flawed data or conclusions on the environmental file continues to gather steam. It could be easily called the tyranny of onsided opinion because the groups opposed to contrary opinion are prepared to use violence to squelch alternate thought. 


Antifa Masked 0

Does Economic Alienation Cause Social Disruption?


A new automated T-Shirt factory is going up that will produce 25.2 million T-Shirts a year. So, all those who used to make t-shirts by hand are now obsolete/unemployed which begs the question whether economic alienation of this type leads directly to social disruption?

…Mike’s Mid-Week Update: Hurricane Harvey Triggers Oil Market Chaos


It’s Time To Stand Your Ground


The free exchange of ideas & innovation drives economic growth. The movement to eliminate free speech in our society today actually threatens our standard of living. Name calling to shut up alternate ideas is the go-to strategy and it’s time to put a stop to it!

….also from Michael: Forget Statues Lets Hear Screaming About Our Egregious, Tragic Problems


Hurricane Harvey Triggers Oil Market Chaos

 The most serious threat to the energy industry is hurricane damage to refineries including the largest refinery in the US. Damage to pipelines & storage means lengthier outages than many hoped. 3% growth in the US raises expectations for higher US rates while 19 Countries in Europe still have negative interest rates. 

….also from Michael: Creeping Socialism Creates Demand For Safe Spaces

ca 0901NID Hurricane Harvey Aug 24 online