Mike’s Saturday Editorial

Increasingly, Only Lip Service Will Be Paid


00:43 – 05:59 – Michael’s Editorial: Nov 11th, remembrance day, and the freedom those who sacrified their lives for is less and less appreciated in Canada. Everywhere we look freedom is under assault, which means the profound correlation between freedom and economic prosperity is under assault. Michael on some gripping examples to shake us up.

….also from Michael: Canada’s Becoming Less Attractive to Investment 


The Reason Politicians Hate Demographics


Crowded Emergency wards, lack of beds, funding problems are the end result of the Baby Boom generation getting too old to produce. The math is not pretty, nor will it allow politicians to make spending promises.

….also from Michael: The Dominant Economic Trend Gets Another Big Boost

Proportion of people aged 14 and under and 65 and older by province 0 to 14 years 65 and older chartbuilder-1

Canada’s Becoming Less Attractive to Investment


Fortunately big Government advocates don’t push the European Economic model anymore. Thank heavens, who needs 456 rules for towels. They still do push policies that make Canada less attractive to Investment though. Perhaps funding Government services is not high on their agenda. 

….also from Michael: Taxpayers On The Hook for Shortfalls




Taxpayers On The Hook for Shortfalls


The CD Howe Institute estimates that every family of 4 is on the hook for 31,000 in new taxes to pay for the shortfalls of public sector workers pensions. Public sector workers enjoy lavish benefits, but everyone else has to pay for them as well as their own retirement (if there is anything left over.)

….also from Michael: A Very Uncomfortable Question Prime Minister Trudeau is happy to pass along another $18.5 billion in debt for our children to pay.



Guess Who Is The Carbon Cutting Emission Hero


Despite all of the criticism it recieves for polluting the planet,  it turns out the USA has cut their emissions the most in the world. They beat Europes progress by 50%. Michael on how they did it. 

….also from Michael: The Dominant Economic Trend Gets Another Big Boost
