Mike’s Saturday Editorial

A Boatload of Hardship Coming to a Neighborhood Near You


01:08 – 07:08– Mike’s Editorial:

Three areas that are going to profoundly affect society, Demographics, Technology related job losses and unfunded liabilities, is rarely, if ever, addressed by a politician. This poor leadership foresight has allowed these problems to become larger and ever more dangerous.

…also from Michael: More Taxes Can’t Balance The Budget




More Taxes Can’t Balance The Budget


Earning $232,400 puts you in the top 1%, unfortunately the number of people in that category aren’t sufficient to pay off debt. Add sales taxes, property taxes, gas taxes, tarrifs on imports, liquor taxes, carbon taxes, payroll taxes…..etc, etc…..still not enough….

….also from Michael: The Deal With Bitcoin


The Deal With Bitcoin


Bitcoin is a highly speculative market, moving from 9000 to 11,000 and back to 9000 in the last 24 hours. Its a reflection of the lack of trust investors have in traditional currencies, thus there is no reason it can’t go higher. Just know it is a wild and dangerous market. 

….also from Michael: Time For The Younger Generation To Scream Uncle!

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It’s Pledge Day at CKNW


Pledge Day is our opportunity to take a break from demanding Government to do something, and get back to being part of a community that finds a way to solve problems ourselves. Every little bit helps, and Pledge Day sends a message to those suffering serious challenges they aren’t in this alone. Go ahead, pick up the phone, caring about others is the best part of Christmas.


The Business of Giving


Mike salutes Business for donating the time and money it takes to make a difference, and the 1000’s of volunteers who create so much of the good that makes Canada Special. 

….also from Michael: Two Big Strikes Against Cancelling This Project
