Mike's Daily Comment

And The Award Goes Too….

The Canadian Taxpayer’s Federation Teddy Awards for Government waste have come out. To give you a taste how about $538,000 tax dollars for a 192 kilometre move for a CRA employee from Richmond Hill to Bellvue. Wait though, Mike’s got more winners including some beauties from Provincial and Municipal Governments!

….related from Michael: It’s The Workers Who Suffer When Government is Wrong




The Current Opposition To Innovation & Progress


Michael makes a powerful case that the curtailment of free speech is a direct assault on the economy and our standard of living.

…related from Michael: Government’s Intent To Slow Down Industry


It’s The Workers Who Suffer When Government is Wrong


The Conference Board of Canada just announced that the Wynne Government’s 31% hike in minimum wage could cost 42,000 Jobs. It all could have been avoided if the Wynne Government has merely done some research. Instead 42,000 workers lose their jobs because they didn’t.

….related from Michael: A Rocky Start To The Skyrocketing Minimum Wage

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A Rocky Start To The Skyrocketing Minimum Wage


When Government raises the cost of labour by 31% over 18 months there are going to be consequences. Especially when the increase is exacerbated by other tax increases, property tax, the increase in employers portion of the Canada Pension Plan etc. etc.  

….related from Michael: They pay no price for being wrong…dead wrong

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Benefit Loss Is Predictable When Min Wage Rises


Idealogues aren’t interested in research if it’s contrary to their world view, so it was no surprise when Kathleen Wynne called Tim Hortons bullies for reducing employee benefits in response to her Government’s law raising wages by 20% this year & 7% next.

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