Mike's Daily Comment

The Myth of Infrastructure Spending


Infrastructure spending always sounds good. That it can be used to rescue the economy is where infrastructure performance diverges from reality. Many of the arguments made in favour of large infrastructure spending do not withstand scrutiny



The Threat To Union Jobs


260,000 UPS workers major contract demand is that UPS guarantee it will not use drones of driverless vehicles for delivery. Now that labour has woken up to this threat to jobs, isn’t it about time politicians and our school system stopped ingnoring the issue!

….also from Michael: Political and Economic Question of the Week


Look Where Your Tax Dollars are Going


You’re forgiven for thinking that you’re the only one not on the government gravy train. According to published reports – newspapers are next up for government hand-outs but what does that mean when the government subsidizes the majority of the media. They already own  half through their ownership of the CBC. 


This Communication Breakdown’s Gone Viral

Millions of people have watched the UK’s Channel 4 interviewer Cathy Newman agressively misinterpret and restate U of T professor Jordan Peterson’s words.  – here’s a sample that many are calling a watershed moment in the culture wars.  

….also Michael’s Editorial: Political and Economic Question of the Week

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Next Step In World Domination


So who spends the most money lobbying to influence Washington? When they’re not censuring people who don’t agree with them –  big tech is spending record amounts and Google leads the way. 
also from Michael: Davos Elite Fail To Impress
Dr Evil-google