Mike’s Big Fat Idea

RRSP’s Do’s & Don’t

In this weeks Big Fat Idea Mike asks Andrew Ruhland what not to do, and the mindset you need to approach this investment & the first thing you should do.

….also from Michael: Victor Adair: The Market is Walking on Eggshells


Free Services ARE NOT FREE!


There is a remarkable list of new “Free Services” listed in the NDP Election platform. Some of which are actually targeted at the well to do. It won’t work for several reasons Michael points out.

….also from Michael: The Pursuit of Excellence & Olympic Lessons Learned





The Dangers of Gov’t Cooling Real Estate


The BC Government wants to trash the most important industry in the province in the name of affordability. An industry that has a huge workforce. Michael has the numbers and makes the case that Gov’t should leave real estate alone. 

….also related from Michael: Your Moral & Intellectual Superiors



An Odious Sex Scandal

Finally, since it was first revealed in 2008, two British Newspapers have torn the lid off of the disgusting behavior of non-governmental disaster relief organizations trading sex for life. Get a load of these numbers….

….also Michael’s Quote of the Week: A Dangerous Assumption

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Mass Shooting Madness

After the Florida mass shooting by Nicolas Cruz, Michael researched some remarkable, “Shocking Stats”, the last two years are surprising!

…..also Michael’s Editorial: Your Moral & Intellectual Superiors