Mike's Daily Comment

Brace For Soaring Gasoline Prices


People in Vancouver pay nearly 50 cents in taxes for every litre of gasoline but now have to brace for the carbon tax. Mike has some startling numbers. One example: The Carbon tax will rise to cost you $1200/year!

….related from Michael: Government Desperation for Cash & How It Will Affect You


Milton Friedman Rips Steel Tariffs

Milton made these bracing statements 40 years ago, now they’re relevant today. Tariffs always hurt the economy & consumers to satisfy a small group!

….also from Michael: 


Your Daily Double Goofy Award Winner!

Mike lets loose on the latest bizarre statements made by twice failed candidate Hillary Clinton & no surprise, President Donald Trump

…related from Michael: Celebrities Take a Hit


The Progressive Left Don’t Make Sense

With the US expanding Oil production agressively and building pipelines everywhere, the progressive left in Canada helps them significantly by preventing Canada from exporting its Oil through pipelines. Why are they on the US’s side?


….related from Michael: Canada’s Manipulated By Foreign Money

march no to pipelines

They Are Drowning In Oil

Just 3 regions in the US are producing so much if they were a country they would be 3rd behind Saudi Arabia and Russia. Mike has more shocking stats about Oil Production

….related from Michael: Land Locking Alberta Oil

Lucas gusher