Mike’s Saturday Editorial

In The Pipeline Wars There’s Only One Clear Winner

00:32 -06:55: Editorial – The score is $490 Million to Zero. That’s how much money Canada transferred from governments & companies this week to the US because 2/3rds of our oil can’t get world prices because it is forced to sell at a discount to a single customer, the US.
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The Bad News Battle Between The BC & Alberta NDP


01:04 – 06:04: Mike’s Editorial – The BC NDP intends to stall the Trans Mountain Pipeline by 2 years to ensure their survival as government while pushing the Alberta NDP out of office.


Political and Economic Question of the Week

Imagine owning a store and declaring that under no circumstances will you match your competitors prices. That’s what Prime Minister Trudeau did in Davos when he announced Canada will not match America’s tax reductions and lower regulatory costs. The question is – what was gained by announcing to the world that the US is a better place to invest than Canada?  
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The Big Economic Lesson The Progressive Left Ignores


00:53 – 07:01 – Mike’s Editorial – Some economic lessons are just too tough for the politically motivated to understand but when costs and prices change so does behavior. 
….for the comlete Money Talks Show go HERE & scroll 1/2 page: 


Lower taxes + Higher Economic Growth = Higher Wages…Duh


01:15 -05:08 – Michael’s Editorial – This week Walmart joined dozens of other companies in raising salaries – clearly stating the reason was the Trump tax reduction. It’s always been one of the great ironies that self described champions of the working poor pushes higher business taxes, which the research consistently concludes results in lower wages for workers. 
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