Mike’s Saturday Editorial

Guess Who Was Forgotten In the New Trade Agreement

It’s clearly no free trade as protectionism wins out on both sides of the border. And guess who that hurt? Hint: Look in the mirror. Starts at the 0:16 mark


OMG – We May Get What We Deserve


Move over debt crisis, pension problems, NAFTA and emerging markets – they all take a back seat to our profound complacency when it comes to threats to our financial well being. 

OMG – We May Get What We Deserve


Move over debt crisis, pension problems, NAFTA and emerging markets – they all take a back seat to our profound complacency when it comes to threats to our financial well being. 

Which Side Are You On?


Stephen Colbert declares that society is divided between those people who think with their head versus those who KNOW with their heart. Which one are you? Starts at the 0:16 mark

Which Side Are You On?


Stephen Colbert declares that society is divided between those people who think with their head versus those who KNOW with their heart. Which one are you? Starts at the 0:16 mark