Mike's Daily Comment

Buckle Up. Here We Go….

With looming Canadian Federal surpluses and the potential for tax relief,  Michael addresses what is likely the most significant philosophical divide in the country….



Michael’s Shocking Statistic of the Week

Michael’s Shocking Stat of the Week concerns the popularitiy in Western nations of ISIS, a group that proudly beheads children and other innocents for the crime of having a different religion:



A Huge New Means of Financial Success

“Talk about dating myself. Fifty years ago today I put on my Sunday Best, shirt, tie, blazer and headed down to Empire Stadium to see the beatles…..”.



Empire Stadium fills with fans before the Beatles concert on August 22, 1964 at Vancouver’s Empire Stadium.


As September approaches we are about to ramp up all the talk about education. Well, not really, there’s rarely any talk about education. What masquerades as discussion about education……


Is Your Money Safe in the Bank?

Suppose the Government comes along and threatens to confiscate part of your bank account in order to shore up the banking system…….


