Mike's Daily Comment

High profile activist Bono now even says “the Private Sector and commerce is going to take the majority out of extreme poverty”

Things are looking tough in Canada. Moreover the calibre of thinking, right up to disingenuous and outright deceitful statements, are at the heart of why our most pressing problems aren’t getting solved 

Merry Christmas Everyone! Michael’s comments resume on Monday Dec 28th. For previous comments click below:

It used to be Work – Save Money – Then Buy. Now it’s completely different and we are inundated with financial problems on a daily basis. For the first time

No surprise that Justin Trudeau has been chosen the Canadian Press newsmaker of the year, but here is the real newsmaker of the year

The Finance Ministers, who can’t themselves balance a budget, are now crafting a plan to help citizens save for retirement. The important question, is their one size fits all CPP