Mike's Daily Comment

The raise in pay, pensions and benefits that Government employees have gotten vs the average Canadian is bad enough. Get into the higher ups in the political establishment and the numbers start getting outrageous. If it were a hockey game it would be political establishment – 25 average Canadian – 0

Related: The Political Establishment vs the Rest of Us

In the period of economic sub-par growth from 2007-2014, American’s median wealth dropped 43% while the net worth of an average Congressman has jumped 28%. Is it the same in Canada?

Don[t miss Mike’s Weekend Commmentary The Silence Is Deafening

In the tug of war between political spin and the real world – the real world always wins.

Don’t miss Michael’s comment on Hillary is home free but America’s not.

Throw another log on the anti-establishment fire that’s already fueling stock, bond and precious metal prices.

Don’t miss Michael’s comment on The “government do something” crowd demands action on housing … anything will do.

For the media commentariat and grandstanding politicians even the solutions to the housing market are simple – not realistic but simple.

Don’t miss Michael’s comment on The one sided love affair between the PM and the President