Mike's Daily Comment

Canada’s Losing as a Place to Do Business


Was it oil prices or regulatory burdens that made Trans Canada abandon Energy East? Well, changing the approval process after the Company had spent 100’s of millions of dollars certainly changed the risk to reward calculaton, plus introduced more uncertainty to the project. 


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Celebrating Bad Economics


The Anti-Oil Anti Resource crowd is de-facto Anti-Healthcare Funding, Anti-Old Age Security, Anti-Subsidized Daycare etc. Not one leader who opposed the use of oil has put forth any realistic solution to funding the increased cost of Government. Kinder Morgan alone was estimated to put in 47 billion over the next 20 years!

….also Michael’s Weekend Editorial: Revenue Canada To Get Tougher & Stronger

H10 Kinder Morgan Protest

The Problem With Protesting Pipelines & Oil


Canada is the only country working hard to prevent the benefit of our natural resources. Trans Canada’s decision to ditch building a 15.7 billion dollar pipeline has the US, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria and Angola smiling wide as now they’ll continue selling their oil from despotic regimes to Eastern Canada! 

….also from Mike: Troops Violently Crush Dissent In European Streets


Troops Violently Crush Dissent In European Streets


With the blessing of the European Union, Spain sent 16,000 troops into the streets to stop people from voting on the independence of its state of Catalonia & Barcelona from Spain. It turned out it, was terrible news for the progressive left. 

….also from Michael: Welcome To The Future


Balanced Budgets Don’t Mean Money Well Spent


A balanced budget would be nice given the rarity of them, but the one thing they won’t tell you is how well the money is spent. A quick look at any of the auditor general reports reveal sums of money spent on, ahem, projects that have no redeeming value to the taxpayers on the hook to pay for them.  

….also from Michael: Have We Seen The Peak in The Anti-Success Anti-Business Movement?
