Mike’s Big Fat Idea

Big Fat Idea – Finding a Decent Rate of Return

Andrew H. Ruhland, President of Integrated Wealth Management tells Michael about solutions to this extremely low rate environment. Solutions that don’t carry undue risk.

….also Josef Schachter: On The Brink of a Wonderful Buying Opportunity


The Big Fat Idea: Take Profits In Investment Real Estate

Neil McIver answers Michael’s questions on non-correlation and rates of growth in different markets. His big idea is to take some money off the table in real estate and reinvest in the capital markets.

…also – What do Warren Beatty, Brad Marchant and the Deutsche Bank Have in Common? Easy – they all made the list of the week’s shocking stats – although Mr Beatty still has us shaking our heads. Shocking Stat: Which Number Are Crazier


Long Term Growth & Income Alert

If 1% on your investments won’t cut it, portfolio manage Brent Woyak has a big fat idea for yield and growth suitable for conservative investors.

Michael on the: Artful Deception In Canada’s Deficit1581534-income-growth-concept-spiral-dollar-stack-with-arrows-isolated-on-black-and-white

Real Estate Jackpot – Sell Vancouver Buy Vancouver Island

Victor’s big idea this week is to capture the huge gains in Vancouver real estate and buy on Vancouver Island for a fraction and banking or investing the balance. The beautiful lifestyle change is a bonus.

Don’t miss Featured Guest: Dennis Gartman: Major Markets Are Heading Down


A Big Fat Option Idea

The BFI this week involves a play on an expansion in market volatility. You can see that the Volatility Index on the chart enclosed is at a very low level from a year ago. In order to contain risk, an options strategy known as a “strangle” against the SPY is recommended.

….another BFI: Legalized Pot Can Be A Big Investment Winner
