Mike’s Big Fat Idea
Andrew H. Ruhland, President of Integrated Wealth Management tells Michael about solutions to this extremely low rate environment. Solutions that don’t carry undue risk.
….also Josef Schachter: On The Brink of a Wonderful Buying Opportunity
Neil McIver answers Michael’s questions on non-correlation and rates of growth in different markets. His big idea is to take some money off the table in real estate and reinvest in the capital markets.
…also – What do Warren Beatty, Brad Marchant and the Deutsche Bank Have in Common? Easy – they all made the list of the week’s shocking stats – although Mr Beatty still has us shaking our heads. Shocking Stat: Which Number Are Crazier
If 1% on your investments won’t cut it, portfolio manage Brent Woyak has a big fat idea for yield and growth suitable for conservative investors.
Michael on the: Artful Deception In Canada’s Deficit
Victor’s big idea this week is to capture the huge gains in Vancouver real estate and buy on Vancouver Island for a fraction and banking or investing the balance. The beautiful lifestyle change is a bonus.
Don’t miss Featured Guest: Dennis Gartman: Major Markets Are Heading Down
The BFI this week involves a play on an expansion in market volatility. You can see that the Volatility Index on the chart enclosed is at a very low level from a year ago. In order to contain risk, an options strategy known as a “strangle” against the SPY is recommended.
….another BFI: Legalized Pot Can Be A Big Investment Winner