Mike's Daily Comment
He’s right….other than gasoline taxes, liquor taxes, increased rents thanks to property taxes, sales taxes, fees, levies, cigarette and marijuana taxes, higher prices when taxes and other mandatory government charges are passed along to consumers, higher prices on milk and other diary thanks to supply management.
BC can now be fairly described as the least progressive place in North America when it comes to embracing major shifts like ride sharing. What’s worse – according to the Competition Bureau it’s Soviet like approach is bad for both consumers and business.
The vast majority of us couldn’t do anything to reduce our net worth by tens…even hundreds of thousands of dollars but it just happened. And it was government’s stated plan all along.
Federal Auditor General, Michael Ferguson continually identified wasteful, inefficient spending but was fought tooth and nail in an attempt to make meaningful changes to the way our money is spent by all three federal parties and public sector unions. He will be sorely missed.
40% of Canadians Pay No Income Tax
Posted by MoneyTalks Editor
on Friday, 8 February 2019 9:49
You want a progressive system where the well to do pay more than those with low income. Well, we got it. The latest numbers from Stats Can show that the top 1% of income earners pay 20% of all taxes while the 40% of Canadians who are at the low end of the income scale pay nothing.