Mike's Daily Comment

You Can Be Anti-Business But Please Know What You’re Talking About

I’m hearing the market drops only impact the “investor class”  – what a load of crap. It hurts workers pension, some companies that rely on travel and tourism will be put out of business. Oil industry workers aren’t getting their job back with today’s oil prices.

It’s The Biggest Financial and Economic Challenge Since the Credit Crisis

The collapse in oil prices combine with the economic impact of COVIDI9 is the most serious challenge to the Canadian economy in 12 years yet we are in a weaker financial position to weather the storm thanks to government actions.

Shocking Stat

The weeks shocking stat begs the question – is COVID19 the most over-hyped in history or it there still a very long time to go before it’s over.

Complete Show – March 7th

Despite rising risk Canadian governments pretended it was “business as usual” – it’s not. We will regret giving away tens of billions in government revenue while kissing much more in capital investment goodbye. Lance Roberts is brilliant talking about what’s next for stocks and bonds as fears over COVID19 grow. While Victor Adair talks about how to make money when interest rates inevitably go up.

Remember When They Told Us That Deficit Spending Didn’t Matter?

They were wrong – the excessive deficit spending in good times robs us of the financial ammunition we need to offset the negative economic impact of the novel corona virus, which leaves us with one bullet – lower interest rates. And that won’t be near enough.