Canada 6-City Housing & the Plunge-O-Meter

Posted by Brian Ripley's Canadian Real Estate Charts

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The chart above shows the average detached housing prices for Vancouver*, Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto*, Ottawa* and Montréal* (the six Canadian cities with over a million people each) as well as the average of the sum of VancouverCalgary and Toronto condo (apartment) prices on the left axis. ​On the right axis is the seasonally adjusted annualized rate (SAAR) of MLS® Residential Sales across Canada (one month lag).​

​In September 2017 Toronto metro SFD prices found support after 5 months of selling below the March 2017 spike and peak price. The 2017 price gains have vanished. Vancouver prices defy gravity in all residential sectors with another HPI hat trick; FOMO and speculative pricing is still on. 

….read more HERE


Brian Ripley’s Plunge-o-meter which tracks the dollar and percentage losses from the peak and projects when prices might find support. HERE