“They are coming to take your money away Ho Ho, Hee Hee, Hum Hum!”
I have been warning that government is getting VERY aggressive all because of the Sovereign Debt Crisis. I have warned that this problem CANNOT be solved in the manner in which they are pursuing – taxing everyone & everything. They are about to destroy the economy and we are headed toward a major period of authoritarianism. There is a steady flow of bills being introduced in Washington that are design to eliminate the Constitution all to save the Bureaucracy. They are going to make DWI a federal offense. Sure, drunk drivers are dangerous. The question becomes what is drunk? When there is money involved and profit for government, do not be foolish to really think they are doing anything for society. The kill switch on the Internet is to cut off the free press and to eliminate the right to assemble since they saw how the Arab youth used social media to organize their revolutions.
Now on January 1st, 2013, the US government will be requiring everyone to have direct deposit for Social Security checks and pensions. Why? Well guess what. There is another bill HR 4646 that will impose a 1% tax on ALL transactions in a bank account. This is not income. This is money flow – a 1% tax on all bank transactions which will include paychecks, retirement checks and Social Security checks. That will even include a 1% tax on your refund check from the IRS. They want direct deposit and eliminate “paper money” to enable them to now tax your cash flow regardless if you make money or not. This bill was introduced by Representative Chaka Fattah (D-PA). They will tax everything before REFORM because this is all about retaining power. The next target 2016 is looking very grim indeed. Forget the gold standard. They want everything electronic and eliminate cash!
….read more about the Sovereign Debt Crisis by Martin Armstrong HERE