- James Thorne took a contrarian view at last year’s World Outlook Financial Conference forecasting the S&P 500 Index would hit 4500 in 2021, a 20% gain – as of today it’s up almost 23%!
- Ryan Irvine’s 2021 WOFC Small Cap Portfolio is up 114.5% – you read that right 114.5%.
- Mark Leibovit said to buy the dip in Tesla at $555, it’s now trading at $1200!
- Josef Schachter missed his oil price forecast, but it doesn’t matter when you get the stocks right. For example, he recommended Bonterra, Paramount and Yangerra – and sold them earlier this year for 179%, 361% and 147% gains respectively.
Those are obviously great results, but that’s why we search out and invite some of the top analysts in the English speaking world to the World Outlook Financial Conference. Obviously past performance is not a guarantee of future success but the consistent results we’ve achieved over the years have not been by accident. Our analysts have been chosen precisely because they have strong track records.
Whether you’re interested in stocks, precious metals, energy, real estate, economic trends or currencies we bring in the top analysts to the Conference to cover them all.
The 2022 conference will once again be entirely online. Unfortunately, there is still too much uncertainty for us to confidently produce a full-scale live event, and respondents to our recent poll made it clear they are not fully comfortable with the tight spaces of the Conference facility, the mask mandate and other barriers to travel and participation. On the plus side, we received overwhelmingly positive feedback on the broadcast and on-demand video format – and can promise you even better quality in 2022.
And of course, this ensures we can offer exclusive interviews and presentations with forecasters from around the world like Martin Armstrong, Greg Weldon, Mark Leibovit and many more. As an added bonus, for the first time we will be bringing experts in Fintech, de-centralized finance and crypto currencies to the Conference. The sector is booming, should you be involved?
An Exclusive Early Bird Offer – $50 Off AND You Can Join Us in Your Pajamas Again
You’ll be able to watch the conference broadcast at its regular times starting Friday afternoon, February 4th through to Saturday afternoon February 5th – AND you’ll also be able to watch it again and again whenever you’d like – on demand, anytime, from anywhere with an internet connection.
And of course, we have an online/on-demand “ticket” Early Bird offer for you. If you purchase your 2022 Conference access pass before November 26th you will get $50 off, a 20% discount – I’m thinking the best $199 you’ll spend this year.
I hope you will take advantage of this opportunity. The level of volatility and the violence of the moves in all markets necessitates taking advantage of the best possible research and analysis available. While financial programs and conferences often feature cheerleaders for a variety of products or industries, we focus on top flight independent analysis. Periods of historic change provide incredible opportunities and incredible danger. Join us in February to find out what they could be.
For more information on the Conference and to purchase your broadcast / on-demand video access pass CLICK HERE