The acute global economic crisis today is the direct result of the continued wilful obstruction and overriding of the normal checks and balances that should operate within a capitalistic system of commerce. This interference has been perpretated by powerful banks and governments acting in collusion, for reasons of profit and power. At every instance in recent years when it looked like the economy was slipping into a necessary recession they have assumed a godlike role and stepped in to head it off. These periodic recessions are necessary to prevent excess debt building up within the system, but the banks liked the ever growing debt, because it meant ever bigger profits for them as they created money out of thin air and then lent it to everyone and everything and raked in massive interest payments. Being immensely powerful they exerted more and more control over governments and succeeded in bending them to their will, culminating in them “coming out” by actually maker bankers into Presidents and Prime Ministers, as has recently occurred in Greece and Italy. So there you have it – the world is now controlled and governed by bankers. The problem with this situation is that their objectives, which are the accumulation of ever greater profit and power, are at odds with those of the population at large.
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