America’s Next Great Leap: 2029′s Technology, Today’s Profits

Posted by James DiGeorgia - Uncommon Wisdom

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“The greatest economic boom in history”

I often feel like Archie Bunker.

The “All in the Family” TV character greeted Walter Cronkite’s news with raspberry snorts, frustration and contempt. I do the same thing when I hear politicians and commentators glumly bewail the end of the United States.

Many of the doomsayers are what I call “Flat-Earthers.” They deny human evolution, ignore scientific evidence and rail against technology with religious fervor. Most are angry men who long for the good old days and would rather live in a bubble than face the real world.

While this frustrates me sometimes, I take comfort in knowing that these people will sink into political, social and economic irrelevance in the next decade or two.

In other words, they cannot stop the accelerating pace of scientific discovery and technological innovation sweeping across our great nation.

Across the United States, in kids’ bedrooms, garages, dens, dorm rooms and classrooms, in every part of the country, American genius is building the foundation for the next great leap.

They will create the greatest economic boom in history, making us more-prosperous than any civilization in human history.


102913-img-01-1The revolution’s next chapter is beginning right now. Processing power that was unfathomable just a few years ago is now commonplace. The newest supercomputers in the laps of America’s brightest children and teens will become the catalyst for trillions of dollars of new wealth.

Last week Apple (AAPL) unveiled a desktop Mini-Supercomputer that is EXPONENTIALLY faster and more powerful than you can imagine.

For decades, these “supercomputers” were available only to a few governments, universities and large pharmaceutical and technology companies. In fact, the United States still enforces export restrictions to keep them from the hands of many foreign governments.

Now you can buy these powerful supercomputers via hundreds of websites and thousands of retail stores from Hoboken to Anchorage. The genie of computer power and processing speed is out of the bottle and in the imaginative hands of American kids and young adults.

The newest Apple supercomputers will be the first generation of faster, more powerful and eventual sentient computers that will accelerate science and innovation in giant leaps.

The great leap of computing power will create entire new industries, amazing economic efficiencies, and expand the limits of science.

Get Ready For Future Shock!

Change that would once take a century will soon unfold in a decade or less. Armed with supercomputers, a new and larger generation of geniuses will replace Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Elon Musk. Utopian science fiction will become reality.

• Nanotechnologies will alter our minds, our intelligence, our memories, our metabolisms, our personalities and even extend our lifespans.

• Creative medical technology will vanquish illness, disease, starvation and poverty.

• New fuel technologies make the United States 100% energy-independent.

America’s next great leap will also help investors — like you and me — retire with security and wealth.

When I share my belief in America’s coming leap, friends ask how I can still be a gold bug. They ask me,

“James, don’t you preach buying gold and precious metals as a hedge against economic crisis and social chaos?”

Yes, buying precious metals to hedge against economic crisis and social chaos makes sense — but I recommend precious metals as only 10%-15% of any investment portfolio.

I also recommend gold because $150 trillion will flow into the world’s financial markets by the end of the next decade — while the supply of gold and precious metals grows just incrementally.

This vast new wealth will chase essentially the same amount of gold, silver and platinum. I buy gold and precious metals as a hedge but also as a long-term play on worldwide wealth creation.

I believe the bulk of your investment dollars should be solid technology, biotechnology, science and energy stocks.

Every Investor Should Read This Book …

My wife says I must have recommended Ray Kurzweil’s 2005 New York Times bestselling book, “The Singularity is Near,” to every person I’ve met since reading it.

Ray Kurzweil is America’s leading futurist. He is an author, inventor, and a director of engineering at Google (GOOG). Kurzweil is involved in fields like optical character recognition, text-to-speech synthesis, and speech recognition technology like Apple’s Siri.

Screen Shot 2013-10-29 at 4.25.27 PMThe Singularity is Near isn’t an investment book or even an economics book — but I consider it essential reading for every investor. Kurzweil describes the world to come and America’s next great leap.

As you read this book written eight years ago, you will see how some of Ray Kurzweil’s uncannily accurate predictions are already coming true. You will better understand his predictions for the next 40+ years.

Kurzweil describes “The Singularity,” a future utterly different from anything we can imagine. Supercomputers will accelerate change, making centuries of progress happen in only a few years. The remarkably rapid innovation Kurzweil predicts will change the world and enrich our country.

Kurzweil’s “The Singularity is Near” gives investors a broad outline of what is coming. Apple is a counterweight to the skeptics who dominate the stuff of our news media and political discourse.

Artificial intelligence, fantastic innovation, new wealth and much healthier, longer lives are right around the corner. Those who invest in this bright future now will be the ones who prosper.

Read Kurzweil’s book — then reflect and invest accordingly. Your life will never be the same.

James DiGeorgia


P.S. In just 12 hours, you will have missed out on 3 huge opportunities:

1. First, Tony Sagami is taking his new video, “How to Build a Bullet-Proof Portfolio,” offline, where you can learn how a simple scientific-investing formula can generate remarkable returns.

2. Second, this indicator just uncovered 2 new exciting opportunities … and he just released these newest recommendations a few hours ago.

3. Third, this is your last chance to claim your $1,105 gift just for watching my new video.

Here’s the thing — you only have until TONIGHT at 11:59 p.m. Eastern to take advantage of these profit-boosting opportunities.

There’s no guarantee that they will be available again anytime soon. So don’t wait — click this link to get in on Tony’s newest recommendations Today!