Find out about a few of the junior minors “on the move.”
Rare Earth Weekly
The global rare earth industry is experiencing price deterioration which has exacerbated declines in revenues, earnings and share prices of junior minors. Molycorp (MCP), with its heavy concentration of light rare earths (“LREE”), experienced price declines of 30% quarter-over-quarter. The price deterioration does not seem to be abating anytime soon. According to the Motley Fool, it’s a wonder that some junior minors are even still in business:
The price of common rare-earth minerals has been dropping since 2011, the year prices peaked, which is why revenue is slipping. It’s a wonder at this point that miners without production, like Rare Element Resources (REE) and Avalon Rare Metals (AVL), are still in business at all. If Molycorp can’t make money now that it’s in full production, then how could there be enough demand to support all of these companies?
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About the author: Shock Exchange