I want to thank the 309 MoneyTalks listeners who supported Special Olympics. I’m talking about the people who donated auction items and participated in the Special O golf tournament. And those who not only took great delight in seeing both Ozzie and me dive in at the Polar Plunge but were willing to pay to see it.
Too often people with intellectual disabilities like down syndrome, fragile X, autism are overlooked/ignored. For example – government pandemic policy has not reflected the fact that other than old age, intellectual disabilities is cited as the most important independent risk factor in Covid related mortality rates – as much as 8x higher than the general population.
But it’s not just during Covid. It’s well documented that people with intellectual disabilities do not enjoy the same level of medical care as the general population – and Special Olympics has been working hard to change that.
I know first hand how much the individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families at Special O appreciate the support. I do too – the support of the Moneytalks audience is literally my highlight of 2021.
All my best for 2022.