How Malta Is Becoming the Global Capital of Crypto

Posted by Cointelegraph

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Some things never change, like the Megalithic Temples built in Malta over 5,000 years ago. These days, however, that may be the only thing that remains unchanged in Malta. With a population of just under half a million and being mostly famous as a destination for European teenagers to study English during their summer vacation, Malta has recently become a star on the crypto map.

Having already had a positive experience hosting online gambling companies, which makes up a very significant portion (13%) of Malta’s GDP, the island is now turning its head toward the world of crypto in an effort to repeat its previous success. A lucrative tax incentive system, government initiatives, and clear and friendly crypto regulation are bringing fruitful results: Many large cryptocurrency exchanges, such as OKEx and Binance, have already established their headquarters in Malta….CLICK for complete documentary