Mike expresses disappointment by the Olympic mockery of the Last Supper. What does this mean for religious tolerance and broader Western values in general? Canada reaches for athletic excellence at the games, so why doesn’t this worldview also apply to striving for excellence in Canadian public institutions? The Wall Street Whiz Kid himself, Peter Grandich, drops by to discuss major concerns in the global economy, including record debt, immigration, the political paralysis, and how you can mitigate these challenges. Plus, Ozzie, Victor, Michael Levy, and a Goofy on the biggest government and establishment disinformation campaign in history.
August 3 Episode
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I know Mike is a very solid investor and respect his opinions very much. So if he says pay attention to this or that - I will.
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I've started managing my own investments so view Michael's site as a one-stop shop from which to get information and perspectives.
~ Dave E.
Michael offers easy reading, honest, common sense information that anyone can use in a practical manner.
~ der_al.
A sane voice in a scrambled investment world.
~ Ed R.
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