Why Buy Silver? Silver Shares Shoot Higher in Trading Today

Posted by Howard Ruff - Market News

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Showing relative strength are Silver shares, up on the day by about 2.8% as a group, led by Excellon Resources J (TSE:EXN.CA), trading higher by about 11.1% and Endeavour Silver (AMEX:EXK), trading higher by about 8.3% on Wednesday – MarketNews (Ed Note: Charts Below)

Endeavour Silver Sets New Record for Mine Production in Q4, 2009, Silver Up 12% to 779,345 oz, Gold Up 90% to 4,591 oz –  Story HERE.

Why Silver?

Gold is now over $1,100 an ounce. Silver is still only $17 an ounce. The average person can’t afford to buy any real quantity of gold, and it would be like stocking up $1,000 bills which would not be very useful in a difficult environment where you might to use gold and silver as money.

The number of people who would be able to buy some silver will vastly out-number the people who will be able to buy gold. That is one of the most important reasons I favor silver over gold.

…..read the whole rational in Howard Ruff’s article Things We’ve Forgotten HERE

…..also read Richard Russell’s comment Bullish Silver and “it tends to make huge percentage moves”HERE

