Welcome to your most profitable year ever!

Posted by Larry Edelson: Uncommon Wisdom

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First and foremost, Happy New Year! I wish you and your loved ones the best for the new year — a year that should find you healthy, wealthy and wise!

As for me, I will do my darndest to help make it your most profitable year ever.

Today, the markets are closed. So this will be a bit of an abbreviated issue, summarizing recent market action in gold, silver, the euro and the Dow.

Looks like the new year is off to a great start for us. Gold has just plunged below the $1,564 level I mentioned previously, and it’s now making a beeline lower to the first major support level at the $1,435 area.

Bottom line: If you acted on my previous suggestion to purchase inverse ETFs such as the ProShares UltraShort Gold (GLL), hold that position! It’s now up as much as 31.35% since I suggested it in the November 7 column, with more gains coming.

In fact, also reflect on this: Europe is still in crisis mode, and Iran is now making waves about closing the Strait of Hormuz. Both of these fundamental forces, one would think, would be very bullish for gold.

But instead, gold is sliding. In my experience, that’s just one more sign we are on the right side of the markets, and bearish the precious metals short term.

As for silver, it’s starting to drop like a rock again. It’s now taken out the previously mentioned support at the $29.16 level … and is now ready to make a beeline down to $25 and, very possibly, much lower to $22 to $23 an ounce.

Bottom line: If you acted on my previous suggestion to purchase the ProShares UltraShort Silver (ZSL), hold that position! It’s now up as much as 55.9%, also since I suggested it in the November 7 column, with more gains likely dead ahead.

Meanwhile, the euro currency is cratering, handing you nice gains if you acted on my suggestion to buy an inverse ETF such as the ProShares UltraShort Euro (EUO).

As for the Dow Industrials, it too remains positioned for a move down in the days ahead. One of the chief reasons is that — try as it did — the Dow Industrials was incapable of closing the year above the 12,232 level, let alone 12,596, key levels I told you about that would have signaled that the Dow was preparing for a new bull market.

Mark my words: A new, long-term bull market in the Dow and S&P 500 stocks is coming. It’s just not here yet.

So for now, if you acted on any of my previous suggestions to buy inverse stock ETFs such as the ProShares Short S&P 500 (SH) or the more leveraged ProShares UltraPro Short S&P 500 (SPXU), hold those positions too!

That’s it for now. I’m going to enjoy the rest of the holiday today with my family. But stay tuned to your inbox: 2012 is going to be a very exciting year, and I strongly believe it will also be your most profitable year ever!

Best wishes, as always …


P.S. My speculative trading service, Resource Windfall Trader, is doing fantastic. Every one of my closed trades over the last 12 consecutive months has seen an average 45% gain in market price. That includes all seven of my losing trades over the last year.

Actually, that figure is now a tad higher: It does not include gains of 160%+ in a position designed to profit from a move down in silver, which soared last week when silver plunged — gains I’ll have likely told my members to bag before you read this column.

You too might want to consider cranking up your profit potential by becoming a member of my Resource Windfall Trader.

You can do so now at a full 30% off the regular membership price by clicking here to read my special report.