Ed Note: Below is a small excerpt from Mark Leibovit’s Daily VR Trader. The VR Gold Letter is published WEEKLY
In tribute the spectacular breakout in the Gold market and to the current run in the stock market (both of which surprised the bears, but not this analyst), I encourage you to watch the following video of the ‘Running of the Bulls Pamplona, Spain’. Ole!
Gold staged a strong rally to record highs yesterday after rumors that Gulf Arab countries along with Russia and China were going to abandon the Dollar for oil transactions led to a decline in the Dollar and a rush towards the safety of gold. If you’re innocent enough to believe this is not true, then you need to wake up real fast! Unfortunately, only a military conflict will draw investors back to the Dollar – an event we cannot discount in poor economic times. Meanwhile, the Dollar will work lower and ultimately post new bear market lows under 70.00.
Gold closed at 1041.80, up 24.60, just above the old 1037 high. Gold hit a new all-time record high of 1044.80 just before noon yesterday. The other metals followed gold higher with silver up 0.72 to 17.34, platinum up 19 to 1313, palladium up 7 to 306, and copper settling up 0.0575 at 2.7845.
We knew it was only a matter of time before gold broke out to new records. Interestingly, gold set a new record high, yet the Dollar is still above its 70.698 low from March 18, 2008. So gold strength is not just because of the Dollar’s weakness.
Just on Monday, I wrote: “I believe we’re looking at another technical rally here possibly into mid-October, but I’m unsure of amplitude.” Gold has rallied 39.50 since I wrote that. Bulls-eye!
The weekly VR Gold Letter focuses on Gold and Gold shares. The letter is available to Platinum subscribers for only an additional $50 per month and to Silver subscribers for only $70 per month. Email me at mark.vrtrader@gmail.com.
Marks VRTrader Silver Newletter covers Stock, TSE Stocks, Bonds, Gold, Base Metals, Uranium, Oil and the US Dollar.
More kudos – Mark Leibovit was named the #1 Intermediate Market Timer for the 10 year period ending in 2007; the #1 Intermediate Market Timer for the 3 year period ending in 2007; the #1 Intermediate Market Timer for the 8 year period ending in 2007; and the #8 Intermediate Market Timer for the 5 year period ending in 2007. NO OTHER ANALYST SURVEYED APPEARED IN ALL FOUR CATEGORIES FOR INTERMEDIATE MARKET TIMING AS PUBLISHED IN TIMER DIGEST JANUARY 28, 2008!
For a trial Subscription of The VR Silver Newsletter covering Stocks, Bonds, Gold, US Dollar, Oil CLICK HERE
The VR Gold Letter is available to Platinum subscribers for only an additional $20 per month, while for Silver subscribers the price is only an additional $70.00 per month. Prices are going up very shortl, so act now! Separately, the VR Gold Letter retails for $1500 a year! The VR Gold Letter is published WEEKLY. It is 10 to 16 pages jam-packed with commentary and charts. Please call or email us right away. Tel: 928-282-1275. Email: mark.vrtrader@gmail.com .
Marks VRTrader Silver Newletter covers Stock, TSE Stocks, Bonds, Gold, Base Metals, Uranium, Oil and the US Dollar.
More kudos – Mark Leibovit was named the #1 Intermediate Market Timer for the 10 year period ending in 2007; the #1 Intermediate Market Timer for the 3 year period ending in 2007; the #1 Intermediate Market Timer for the 8 year period ending in 2007; and the #8 Intermediate Market Timer for the 5 year period ending in 2007. NO OTHER ANALYST SURVEYED APPEARED IN ALL FOUR CATEGORIES FOR INTERMEDIATE MARKET TIMING AS PUBLISHED IN TIMER DIGEST JANUARY 28, 2008!
For a trial Subscription of The VR Silver Newsletter covering Stocks, Bonds, Gold, US Dollar, Oil CLICK HERE