Ed Note: Money Talks is not recommending this stock. Its just an interesting read).
Remember way back in our newsletter titled, “The Gold Super Hero?”
It was about the story of Goldcorp and a gentleman I truly respect, Rob McEwen. Here is a brief excerpt from that newsletter on how Goldcorp went from dwindling gold reserves, to one of the largest producers:
“McEwen knew that the mine had potential. “The Red Lake gold district had 2 operating gold mines and 13 former mines that had produced more than 18 million ounces combined,” he says. “The mine next door had produced about 10 million ounces. Ours had produced only 3 million.” So he sent his geologists packing with $10 million dollars and a plan to drill in the most remote and deepest parts of the mine.”
Obviously at this time, shares of Goldcorp were down. But as a result of re-visiting historical data and implementing new technologies, Rob McEwen turned his destined-for-failure $100 million company into a company worth over $32 billion today.It’s not every day we decide to feature and put our name behind a company. In fact, its not even every month. But with the long term outlook on gold prices expected to climb to record highs and inflationary ramifications expected to hit hard a few years from now, we decided to find a company whose operational time frame coincides with these trends.
So we are proud to announce our 2009 Featured Gold Company of the Year:
Trueclaim Exploration Inc. (TSX-V: TRM)
Let us tell you why.
Finding the right gold junior resource company is extremely difficult. As we have mentioned in our past newsletter, there are many factors to look for. It takes years of study to truly understand what exactly it is that gives geologists goose bumps when they stumble a upon a property of their dreams.
By now you should be familiar with some of the terminology used, what indicators to look for, and some clues that you’re getting extremely close. Even with the very best teachings, there’s a lot of trial and error before you actually “get it.”
But here’s the truth about gold mining:
There are no new gold discoveries!
Okay, maybe that’s going too far. But the world of major gold discoveries and easy to spot formations are OVER! If you look at every gold company that is being funded right now and have access to capital, they all have one thing in common: Historical Data!
What smart geologists do now to find massive deposits is start by going back to the biggest and best of the old ones.
Right now, our ONLY gold featured company of 2009, Trueclaim Exploration Inc. (TSX-V: TRM) trades at just over CDN$0.30.
Trueclaim (TSX-V: TRM) currently owns a very special property that they picked up for practically nothing out of sheer luck and a lot of hard work.
The former Scadding Gold Mine
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