The 10 Best Books Of The Year (So Far), According To Amazon.
These are the Best Books of 2013 released between January and June 2013.
“Customers looking for great summer reads will find an eclectic selection on the list this year, from the very best fiction to compelling memoirs to excellent young adult novels,” Sara Nelson, Editorial Director for Books and Kindle, Amazon.com, said. “Our #1 pick, Life after Life, is clever but never gimmicky—which is amazing when you consider that the story of the heroine’s life begins, ends and then begins again, multiple times. We think this book is an extraordinary feat of narrative ambition, an audacious genre-bender and a work of literary genius.”
Here are the Top 10;
1. Life After Life by Kate Atkinson: What if you could be born again and again? This brilliant, multi-layered novel answers that question as Atkinson’s protagonist moves through multiple lives, each one an iteration on the last, flirting with the balance between choice and fate.
2. The Son by Philipp Meyer: A multigenerational Western spanning the 1800s Comanche raids in Texas to the 20th century oil boom, The Son is a towering achievement.
…..read 2 – 10 HERE
The 15 Greatest Masterpieces At The Louvre
“Mona Lisa” by Leonardo da Vinci (1503-1506). “The most famous painting in the world, Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa (aka La Gioconda or La Joconde) with her mysterious smile and cutting-edge illusionism for the early 1500s. This masterpiece has been on display at the Louvre since 1797. Millions make the pilgrimage to Paris to see the real thing each year.”
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