Stock Market Strategies for the “600 points in 7 minutes” World

Posted by Jon D. Markman - Money Morning

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Money Morning Editor’s Note: If the recent thousand-point drop in U.S. stocks tells us anything, it’s that we’re now living in post-financial-crisis “new world order” in which the old profit rules no longer apply. As scary as that sounds, Money Morning contributor Jon D. Markman tells investors that now is no time to sit on the sidelines.

Stock Market Strategies for the Post-Financial-Crisis ‘New World Order’


For many investors, the recent thousand-point plunge by the U.S. stock market was probably the proverbial last straw.

So let me be perfectly clear about the point that I want to make here: Sitting on the sidelines could be the investment mistake of a lifetime. The post-financial-crisis “new world order” that’s emerged from the speculative excesses, recessionary realities and regulatory breakdowns of recent years has created a world of lucrative new profit opportunities – governed by a new set of profit rules.

Let me explain…

… more HERE (start reading at When Negative News Fosters Positive Prospects)